Handbook of Food Chemistry

Handbook of Food Chemistry


:NT$ 50750 元
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This handbook is intended to be a comprehensive reference for the various chemical aspects of foods and food products. Apart from the traditional knowledge, this book covers the most recent research and development of food chemistry in the areas of functional foods and nutraceuticals, organic and genetically modified foods, nonthermal food processing as well as nanotechnology. This handbook contains both the basic and advanced chemistry both for food research and its practical applications in various food related industries and businesses. This book is appropriate for undergraduates and postgraduates in the academics and professionals from the various disciplines and industries who are interested in applying knowledge of food chemistry in their respective fields.


Prof. Peter C.K. Cheung obtained his BSc. (Hons.) degree from the University of Hong Kong, majoring in chemistry. He completed a master’s degree in food and drug chemistry and a Ph.D. degree in food carbohydrates from the University of New South Wales in Australia. He is currently the Programme Director of Food and Nutritional Sciences in the School of Life Sciences at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Professor Cheung’s expertise is on the chemistry and biology of bioactive food components. His research is focused on the structure and function of dietary fibre. He has particular interest in the chemical structure and biological functions of mushroom and fungal polysaccharides, especially their antioxidant, antitumor, immunomodulatory and prebiotic activities. Professor Cheung is serving as the associate editor of Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fiber and the editorial board members of theInternational Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, as well as Food Science and Human Wellness. He is the author or coauthor of over 100 SCI publications and is the editor of the bookMushroom as Functional Foods.

Dr. Bhavbhuti M. Mehta is an Assistant Professor in the Dairy Chemistry Department, Sheth M.C. College of Dairy Science at Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, India. He did B. Tech. (Dairy Technology); M.Sc. (Dairying) in the field of dairy chemistry as a major subject and dairy microbiology as a minor subject; as well as Ph.D. in the field of dairy chemistry as a major subject and dairy technology as a minor subject from Sheth M.C. College of Dairy Science, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, India. He teaches various subjects on dairy and food chemistry at undergraduate as well as post-graduate levels. His major specialty is on various physico-chemical changes (process-induced changes) taking place during processing of milk and milk products and to food chemistry in general. His research interests also include lipid oxidation and its prevention (natural antioxidants), methods to measures various oxidative deterioration, functional food ingredients and neutraceuticals (e.g., milk fat globule membrane), natural alternatives to food additives (e.g., ice-structuring proteins in ice cream and frozen desserts), role of various constituents in dairy and food products (viz. flavors, off-flavors, texture, structure, etc.), chemistry and technology of milk and dairy products (e.g., cheese, yoghurt, fat-rich dairy products, concentrated milks, dried milk, ice cream) in particular and food products in generals. He is an associate editor of theInternational Journal of Dairy Technology, an editorial board member and a referee/reviewer in a number of journals. He has published numbers of technical/research/review papers/chapter/booklet/abstract/monograph in national as well as international journals, seminars, and conferences. He has edited one book published by the CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.







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