The Complete Companion for Teaching and Leading Practice in the Early Years
系列名:David Fulton / Nasen
出版社:Routledge UK
作者:Richard K. Scher
規格:24.1cm*17.1cm*1.9cm (高/寬/厚)
Previously published as The Early Years Professional’s Complete Companion, this new edition has been thoroughly updated and is the essential resource for aspiring and existing leaders of early years practice.
Covering a wide range of theoretical and practical concepts, this book helps the reader consider how they can develop excellent practice within their unique setting. Divided into three distinct sections, the book begins by exploring the origins of early years practice, before discussing principles in development, social policy and child protection. The second section considers what constitutes high quality practice, and reflects on the role of emotional security, environment, and adults in shaping children’s learning and development. The third and final section examines how activities associated with continued professional development impact on teaching standards, before finishing with a discussion on international perspectives on early years practice.
Key features include:
- New chapters on safeguarding, children’s rights, continuous professional development and international perspectives of early years practice.
- Chapter objectives, tasks and links to the Early Years Foundation Stage.
- Case studies with questions for reflection to promote critical thinking.
- New developments in the early years practice arena are outlined, including the emergence of Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS).
This book is an essential text for those working towards qualifications in early years teaching and leading practice, and provides a flexible basis for tutors, trainers, assessors and mentors to further develop programmes of education and training. It will also appeal to teachers and practitioners interested in considering potential routes for continuing their professional development.
Pam Jarvis is Senior Lecturer at Leeds Trinity University and an Open University tutor, supporting education and child development students on a wide range of programmes at undergraduate and masters level.
Jane George is Programme Manager within the McMillan School of Teaching, Health and Care Early Years, Health, Social and Community Care at Bradford College, UK where she manages the curriculum across the full range of Higher Education programmes in Early Years, Youth and Community, Health and Social Care and Social Work.
Wendy Holland is presently involved the mentoring, training and assessing of Early Years Teachers at Bradford College, UK. She is also currently working in the Teaching, Health and Care sector at Bradford College developing and producing modules for the BA (Hons) in Early Years Studies.
Jonathan Doherty has worked in a number of roles in early years and education in school and Higher Education. Prior to his appointment at Leeds Trinity University, he was Head of Early Childhood Education at Leeds Metropolitan University and then Head of Early Years & Childhood at Manchester Metropolitan University.