Integrated Approaches to Stem Education: An International Perspective

Integrated Approaches to Stem Education: An International Perspective


:NT$ 10439 元
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1. Introduction; Judy Anderson and Yeping Li.- Section 1 Approaches to STEM Integration.- 2. STEM Education for the 21st Century; Russell Tytler.- 3. Facilitating STEM Integration through Design; Lyn English.- 4. A Review of Conceptions of Mathematics in Integrated STEM Education; Erin E. Baldinger, Sue Staats, Lesa M. Covington-Clarkson, Elena Gullickson, Fawnda Norman, and Bismark Akoto.- 5. What is the Role of Statistics in Integrating STEM Education? Jane Watson, Noleine Fitzallen, and Helen Chick.- 6. STEM and Numeracy in the Australian Curriculum; Anne Bennison and Vince Geiger.- 7. Investigating the epistemic nature of STEM: Analysis of curriculum documents from the USA using the Family Resemblance Approach; Wonyong Park, Jen-Yi Wu and Sibel Erduran.- 8. Using a proposed Integrated STEM Framework for Designing Lessons in the Singaporean Context; Tang Wee Teo, Aik-Ling Tan, & Kuang Wen Chan.- 9. Approaches to effecting an integrated STEM education in Southern Africa; Judah Makonye and Reuben Dlamini.- Section 2 Designing Integrated STEM Approaches for Students.- 10. Connecting mathematics and science in a US elementary classroom: Investigating computational thinking and the particle nature of matter through project based learning; Emily Miller, Samuel Severance and Joe Krajcik.- 11. Developing US elementary students' STEM practices and concepts in an after school integrated STEM project; Sasha Wang, Steve Swanson, Yuhui Ching, Youngkyun Baek, Dazhi Yang, and Bhaskar Chittoori.- 12. Student STEM beliefs in the UK: how they shift and are shaped by transdisciplinary projects; Karen Skilling.- 13. Climate change and students' critical competences: A Norwegian study; Lisa Steffensen.- 14. Incorporating Mathematical Thinking into High School STEM Physics - A Case Study in the USA; Israel Touitou and Joe Krajcik.- 15. The Next Generation of STEM Education in Asia: Collaborative curriculum design in Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam; Chun-Yen Chang and Pei-Ling Lin.- 16. STEM skill assessment of student learning: An application for Adaptive Comparative Judgment; Scott R. Bartholomew and P. John Williams.- Section 3 Implementing Integrated STEM Approaches in Preservice Teacher Education.- 17. Missing Coherence in STEM Education: Creating Design Based Pedagogical Content Knowledge (DPCK) in Turkish Preservice education; Ibrahim Delan, Consuelo Morales and Joe Krajcik.- 18. Promoting a learning scenario for an integrated approach to STEM: prospective teachers' perspectives in Portugal; Ana Henriques, H幨ia Oliveira, and M鏮ica Baptista.- 19. Increasing Pre-Service Teachers' Engagement with STEM Learning in Australia; Duncan Symons and Joanne Blannin.- Section 4 Implementing Integrated STEM Approaches in Teacher Professional Development.- 20. Designing and evaluating an integrated STEM professional development program for secondary and primary school teachers in Australia; Judy Anderson and Debbie Tully.- 21. Argumentation in primary grades STEM instruction: Examining teachers' beliefs and practices in the USA; AnnaMarie Conner, Barbara Crawford, Timothy Foutz, Roger B. Hill, David F. Jackson, ChanMin Kim, and Sidney A. Thompson.- 22. Integrated STEM Education in Virginia, USA: CodeVirginia K-5 Coaches Academy; Anita Crowder, Rebecca Dovi and David Naff.- 23. Promoting Integrated STEM Tasks in the Framework of Teachers' Professional Development in Portugal; Maria Cristina Costa, Ant鏮io Domingos and V癃or Teodoro.- 24. Integrated STEM in Australian Public Schools: Opening up Possibilities for Classrooms and Effective Teacher Professional Development; J







定價:100 10439
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