On Earth, as it is in Heaven: Hope when you feel lost, lonely or afraid

On Earth, as it is in Heaven: Hope when you feel lost, lonely or afraid


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The second I was diagnosed with cancer, I knew God was telling me my old life was over. I knew God wasn't messing around this time - it was time to listen. My life had been spiraling out of control after I left my marriage. I wanted desperately to be happy but didn't know how. I knew God was using cancer to get my attention. I refused to go through cancer and miss the opportunity to heal my life. I didn't know what was about to happen but I committed to allow God to mould my life into what he wanted it to be. I was tired of failing. I was tired of needing. I was tired of wanting. I wanted meaning. I wanted purpose. I wanted to be happy. It was an incredibly challenging and difficult journey, but as God pruned me of everything in my life, I began to see the true beauty around me. Cancer wasn't ruining my life - cancer was saving my life. Instead of praying to God to take my cancer away, I thanked God for giving me cancer. Cancer was saving my life and instead of fighting it, I accepted it.

Luckily, I did not know how much moulding and shaping and pruning God was going to do. There were so many days I was tempted to give up but I always hung on, knowing God was with me. I knew God was for me so I never, ever gave up. I continue to work for God and as he opens my heart and my eyes, I feel deeper love and see higher truth.

At the end of 2019, I had felt so many pulls from God that I finally surrendered to him. I committed to spending a year with him. I promised God that I was going to listen to him and follow him and be used by him. I told God that I would spend a year with him and fulfill any plan he had for me.

Well, here I am on October 18, writing the introduction to the most incredible book I have ever read. This book is a result of me asking questions. This book is a result of me asking questions about God to the only one who can answer them - God. I didn't like the answers I got from others but the answers I continue to receive from God make sense. They don't make logical sense but they make magical sense. They make loving sense. They make sense in only a way that God's answers can - they feel like deeper love and higher truth.

This book is a result, not only of me not giving up but me doing what I do best - asking questions. This book describes what I have experienced God to be but this is not necessarily the actual truth. This is the truth, according to my experiences. This is how I felt God. This is how I heard God. I want you to read this book and then find your own answers, with God. I don't want to teach you what I believe God to be, I want to show you how to find God, on your own. I want us all to find God so we can share who this deeper love and higher truth version of God is, according to our individual experiences. I asked how and now I'd like to show you how - how to find more God

This book had a purpose and that purpose was to answer the questions I had been asking God. I feel like God wrote this book for me, through me. I love this book. Every single word in it feels like it came straight from God. I put my pen down and six days later, this book was written. I want to help the world find more God, one breath at a time. What you call God doesn't matter. How you see God doesn't matter. What matters is you finding God, in every moment you can.

God lives in the space between our thoughts - we get to choose to live in our thoughts or to live in love. Every breath is a gift. Stay here, in this moment, with God. Find God, find love.


Chantelle Rodgers







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