Modern Witchcraft for Beginners: A Complete Guide of Spells, Rituals, and Potions for Becoming a Solitary Practitioner

Modern Witchcraft for Beginners: A Complete Guide of Spells, Rituals, and Potions for Becoming a Solitary Practitioner


:NT$ 1155 元
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Most people know what witchcraft is. Or, at least, they think they do. But modern witchcraft is so much more than you see on TV or in the storybooks. And it is so much more varied than the tropes most people are familiar with. Magic is nuanced, layered, and deeply personal. There simply is not one single form of magic that all users have to abide by.

In this book, witches will find countless ways that they can connect their magical practice to their everyday life. Spells and enchantments don't have to sound like they were pulled from a Medieval manuscript to work. And those who practice modern witchcraft know this better than anyone.

But that is not what most people see when they think of witches. And this book aims to change that. Within these pages, magic users will not only learn how to intermingle the magic with the modern and mundane. They will also learn so much more:

  • Witches will learn what sets different groups of witches apart. From Wiccans to secular witches to niche witches. The different ways witches are categorized is broken down into several layers, each one explained so that readers can find their comfort zone with just a little digging.
  • Several popular niches of witchcraft are explained. Once the reader has the basics, each niche has its own suggestions on how modernity and technology can benefit practitioners in these niches. These include apartment witches, cosmic witches, and kitchen witches among others.
  • Popular media says that magic and technology do not mix. But that is simply not true Technology can help with everything from accessibility to grimoire layouts and production to research and creating your own personalized magical calendar.
  • Modern witches will find a ton of spell ideas within these pages. From spell bags to small enchantments to stress relief rituals, this book has a little bit of something with everyone. Many eyes are written with an eye toward accessibility as well as other constraints that might affect a modern witch.

Humans have changed over the centuries. And so has the way we live. So why should our magical practices remain framed entirely by bygone eras? Whether you have been practicing for decades or you are just starting out, this book will help you modernize your practice. The suggestions inside range from ways to incorporate old and new magical methods to the ways you can base your entire magical practice on modern life.

Your magical practice should reflect who you are. And if you feel most comfortable in the clothing, habits, and wording of formal magic or centuries past, then that is the method you can use. But if you feel like your magic needs an update or if you can't relate to the way magic is usually framed, then take a look inside this book. Magic is for everyone. You just need to find the method that works for you. This book can help.







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