From Newfoundland to Afghanistan: Canadian Forces Female Officer tells her story of abuse while serving for over three decades.

From Newfoundland to Afghanistan: Canadian Forces Female Officer tells her story of abuse while serving for over three decades.


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On the eve of my personal publishing deadline, BREAKING NEWS of Canada's Top Soldier, the Chief of Defence Staff Admiral Art Mcdonald stepped down due to allegations of sexual abuse. Recently, I sent him a letter which you will read in Chapter 5 Between a rock, asking him to take a stand against sexual abuse. Who can we trust? Canada's military is in a crisis. Canada is a part of the Sovereign, the Queen. The Queen who regulates our policies and procedures not only in our government but supposedly to be held at the highest regard within our Canadian Military. We are at a crisis in Canada. A crisis of denial and Judicial deceit from the very people in which we trust. Our Canadian culture and values diminished by those who disregard the importance of fair procedural protections of our human rights. People in high power who choose to disregard the Queens policy and make it up themselves. We are in a crisis because these people (rats) who hide behind their uniform are using the system and making a mockery of our constitutional rights. In this book you will read about my story with firsthand experience of "the wrath of the rat". This story was difficult to tell. I realize that some of the material is harsh. I did not hire an editor or had any professional help putting the story together. This story is organic, and had to be told. A story of a young promising female from Newfoundland. A narrative of grief, abuse yet promise which led to my decision to join the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in the mid-1980's.To understand what happened to me and my family and the experiences in the CAF I decided to further educate myself. In addition to my Psychology degree, I am now a certified abuse counsellor. I educated myself so that I could heal. To provide myself with some understanding of why I was feeling the way I did. To understand thoughts of suicide, feelings of failure and shame. To understand Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). After three decades of experience, I am sharing my story with you. In hopes I can help others to understand and to heal. To bring attention to these atrocious and malicious acts of those in power. To understand what happened to me and my family and the experiences in the CAF I decided to further educate myself. In addition to my Psychology degree, I am now a certified abuse counsellor. I educated myself so that I could heal. To provide myself with some understanding of why I was feeling the way I did. To understand thoughts of suicide, feelings of failure and shame. To understand Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). After three decades of experience, I am sharing my story with you. In hopes I can help others to understand and to heal. To bring attention to these atrocious and malicious acts of those in power. I will also share my daughters' story who was also a Soldier and my fight to keep her alive. Battling a cancer diagnosis. Fighting against the medical management and lack of care by the CAF leaving her behind to die. Left her to die so that their mistakes would die with her. Fighting for her to be afforded the benefits she was entitled to but was continuously maliciously denied by the Canadian Forces Military Command. Fighting and standing my ground at the House of Commons to be heard. Come with me on my journey from Newfoundland to Afghanistan.







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