The Blue Crown

The Blue Crown


:NT$ 443 元
可得紅利積點:13 點


"I am known by many names, but you may call me Wadjet. I was created with my twin sister, Nekhbet, as the eyes of the sun god Ra. He sent us to find his children after they became lost in the watery abyss, which was full of chaos and evil. We were successful in our quest and overcame the darkness that dwelled there. On returning his children, Ra cried with joy, and his tears fell to the ground, becoming the people of the land called Egypt. To reward our achievement, Ra turned us into goddesses. We dwelt in the papyrus swamps at the start of the river of life while Ra joined the rest of the gods and took on human form, becoming Atum- Ra, creator of all life. The evil that hid in the watery abyss was jealous of the gods and rose up against Egypt's people and tried to turn them from the true path. Ra again summoned his goddesses for help, and we returned. I took the form of a green serpent that could spit venom and fire, and my sister became a white-headed vulture with a curved beak and sharp claws. We were able to help the people of Egypt defeat the Dark Lord, but we knew that he could rise again at any time in the future. To prevent this, I gave the people of Egypt five of my children in the form of five serpent pendants. Their power can be used by one person in every generation, who shall be known as the Chosen One. Neffi Jones is fascinated by the mysteries of ancient Egypt. While on her first work placement, excavating a tomb in the Valley of the Kings, she is drawn into a world of crime and corruption that threatens not only her life but of those closest to her. At the same time, there is a growing awareness that she has psychic skills beyond the natural world, which link her inexplicably to the tomb and its hidden treasures.Three thousand years earlier, Sagira, the handmaiden to Queen Nefertiti and guardian of the Blue Crown, is learning to harness powers that can make the difference between life and death. At the same time, she is instrumental in overcoming a threat that could change the course of history. As the twin chains of events grow closer to their inevitable conclusions, there is a realisation that, perhaps, their realms are not too dissimilar and that the two girls have a shared secret. Indeed, their lives will never be the same again.A fast-moving story with a carefully integrated timeline of events that leads to an unexpected conclusion. Nothing is what it seems!







定價:100 443



