The Complete Sugar Free Baking for Starters: Baking With Less Sugar

The Complete Sugar Free Baking for Starters: Baking With Less Sugar


:NT$ 480 元
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We face similar trials in the day to day aspects of our lives. The smells of baked goods waft out at us whenever a bakery is passed. We are taunted by cookie jars on the counter and easy bake brownies on the grocery store shelves. There seems to be no escape. Sugar substitutes are helpful, but they cannot solve the problem entirely. How does one truly get by on sugar free cooking?
Okay, so there is still the Achilles heel of dieters to deal with, chocolate. This delight is probably the most difficult sugar filled product to get rid of. There is a simple solution though. Don't get rid of it. Instead melt down sugar free baking chocolate and use it as a dipping sauce for sweet fruits such as cherries and strawberries. Other chocolate covered delights such as pretzels and sunflower seeds can be made with baking chocolate as well. Use sugar free varieties of peanut butter to supplement the flavor. The slightly less sweet taste might take some getting used to, but once you adapt the cravings should go away.
Another challenging sugar product to remove is found in beverages. Getting rid of soda and sugar filled juices can be difficult. If the lack of carbonated drinks is a problem try mixing a sugar free juice with soda water to supplement your cravings. This area is one in which sugar substitutes can be a tremendous benefit. The products mentioned earlier are frequently found in diet sodas, and can often provide flavor comparable to that of regular sugar products.
If the already mentioned alternatives are not enough to quench your sweetened desires, then perhaps more drastic measures should be taken. Recipes that use natural syrups, created from fruits and other various sources provide a way to make many favorites without using any processed sweeteners. There are plenty of recipes that include natural products, and can be found using a basic search online. You may need to invest in a few books to really dive into sugar free foods, but the benefits are well worth it.
Desserts and snacks are manageable without sugar, but breakfast can be tricky. Sugar free alternatives can be found for almost any product. But it is easy to become dependant on these items. For example, one can easily find sugar free yogurt. These products taste good and are convenient. It can be very tempting to simply grab a yogurt and call that breakfast. It simply is not enough. Carbohydrates and a small amount of protein are also essential first thing in the morning. Yogurt is a wonderful source of calcium and simple carbohydrates, however, to receive the day long energy complex carbohydrates provide one will need a bread product of some sort. Granola with no sugar added can be a great option. Try mixing the yogurt and granola if the taste of either food is not enough on its own. To get some protein eat a hard boiled egg, or even a small amount of breakfast meat. Either way, make sure to get balance, and not just settle for a simple sugarless solution.







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