The Emotionally Abusive Relationship: Healing From Hidden Abuse Inflicted By Those We Love

The Emotionally Abusive Relationship: Healing From Hidden Abuse Inflicted By Those We Love


:NT$ 320 元


Are You Being Controlled or Devalued in Your Relationship? This is How to Get Free of That Abusive Cycle With Your Partner!

"One of the most accurate, balanced and relatable guide for abused women I've ever read... Rebecca lays down the step-by-step roadmap to overcoming emotional abuse and healing from emotionally abusive relationship. Remarkable!" Ray Evenson Ph.D, author of "Dealing With Toxic People".

Has your trust and security been broken by your partner?
Is your partner taking you for granted?
Are you being betrayed, and gaslighted, but you just don't know how to end the relationship and leave?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then this book was written for you.

"Every minute, nearly 20 women in the United States suffer some kind of physical abuse from an intimate partner" - NCADV.

"Every 9 seconds in the US a woman is assaulted or beaten by an intimate partner".

The numbers may be staggering, but absolutely anyone can be a victim of abuse. Unfortunately, physical abuse usually starts out as emotional abuse. Because you could be the most caring, loving and understanding partner in the world, and still become a victim of emotional abuse. Also, the covert, insidious nature of the abuse can cause you to not even realise that you are being abused by someone you love - until it gets physical.

The Emotionally Abusive Relationship is for you if you are:

  • Trying to understand why your partner acts this way
  • Suffering covert emotional and verbal abuse
  • Unable to break free from the stranglehold of your partner
  • Being manipulated by your partner
  • Being gaslighted;
  • Living with a possessive partner;
So, if you are tired of coping with emotional abuse from your husband or partner, and are intentionally looking for guidance, this powerful guide will help you:
  1. Understand how to navigate your emotionally abusive relationship
  2. Spot emotionally abusive patterns that can destroy you
  3. Motivate you to make empowering decisions for your benefit
  4. Remember and honor your intrinsic value as a person
  5. Speak up for yourself without putting your safety
  6. Love yourself the way you've always deserved
  7. Remind you that you can overcome any challenge
  8. Forgive yourself
  9. Gracefully move your life into a new season
Whether you plan to remain in your relationship, leave, or have already separated, The Emotionally Abusive Relationship will serve as the expert guidance and support you need to speed up your recovery process and find a pathway to a better, more fulfilling life.

Are you ready to get your life, sanity and peace of mind together and back under your control?

Go ahead and order a copy for yourself, or gift it to someone you love so they, too, can start their journey towards freedom from emotionally abusive relationships.







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