Shakespeare and London: A Dictionary is a topographical reference book of all the London locations, allusions and colloquial terms mentioned in Shakespeare’s complete works. For many years critics hav
Arden Shakespeare and Theory provides a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical developments that have dominated Shakespeare studies in recent years, as well as those that are emerging at the presen
Harnessing new enthusiasm for Nan Shepherd’s writing, The Living World asks how literature might help us reimagine humanity’s place on earth in the midst of our ecological crisis. The first book to ex
Carefully and faithfully edited by "one of our most astute commentators on Hobbes's political theory" (Jeremy Waldron), the Norton Library edition of Leviathan features the complete text of the work, with spelling and punctuation thoughtfully modernised and archaic terms helpfully annotated throughout. An introduction by Kinch Hoekstra situates the work in its historical and intellectual context to prepare students for their first serious encounter with "the greatest single work of political thought in the English language" (John Rawls).