Ivan Gratchev/ Dong-sheng Jeng/ Erwin Oh
Slav N. Gratchev (EDT)/ Margarita Marinova (EDT)/ Mikhail Bakhtin/ Dmitry Sporov (AFT)
Gratchev, Ivan (Griffith University, Southport, Australia),Espinosa, Hugo G
Slav N. Gratchev (EDT)/ Howard Mancing (EDT)
Slav N. Gratchev (EDT)/ Howard Mancing (EDT)/ Greg M. Nielsen (CON)/ Michael Eskin (CON)/ Margarita Marinova (CON)
Slav N. Gratchev (EDT)/ Howard Mancing (EDT)/ Irina Evdokimova (INT)/ Michael Eskin (CON)/ Michael Everson (CON)
Slav N. Gratchev (EDT)/ Howard Mancing (EDT)/ J. A. Garrido Ardila (CON)/ Bruce R. Burningham (CON)/ Ricardo Castells (CON)
Slav N. Gratchev (EDT)/ Irina Evdokimova (EDT)/ Victor Fet (AFT)/ Alexey Lobov (CON)
;Gratchev, Dr. or Professor Slav (Associate Professor of Spanish, Marshall University, USA),Marinova, Dr. or Professor Margarita (Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Christopher