一位奇怪的女人似乎對人們擁有詭異的控制力。這是科學,還是神秘的力量在搞鬼?阿西姆的郊遊又出事啦!當他的班級乘船探索薩利什海時,他瞥見一位愁眉苦臉的女人正從水底凝視著他。阿西姆的朋友羅克夏爾認為那只是一隻海豹。她總是為鎮上發生的奇怪事情可以找到科學解釋。但是當阿西姆的爸爸聽到來自水中的超凡音樂時,感覺自己被吸引,以至於試圖跳入水中!這可能是來自圭亞那民間傳說中,美人魚—海女—在作祟嗎?A strange woman seems to have eerie control over people. Is it science . . . or strange and ghostly? Find out in this new spooky chapter book series, Spooky Sleuths.Asim's field trip is freaking him out! His class is on a boat, exploring the Salish Sea, when he sees a pale, scowling woman staring at him from under the water. Asim's friend Rokshar thinks it's just a seal. She always finds a scientific explanation for the strange things that happen in town.But when Asim's dad hears otherworldly music coming from the water, he feels so drawn to it that he tries to throw himself in! Could a fairmaid—a mermaid from Guyanese folklore—be to blame?Find out . . . if you dare! Don't miss this new series based on ghost stories from Guyana.Is it science…or strange and ghostly?