James R. Harrison discusses Yactual symbol not reproducible‥ (grace) and its cognate in the inscriptions, papyri, Jewish literature and the popular philosophers. Paul's approach to divine and human gr
What happens when we die? Does the soul die with the body? Is there a possibility of life after death? Throughout human history, every civilization and probably every individual has asked these questi
"Jason Radine proposes that the book of Amos is not a work of "prophecy" as the phenomenon is known from the ancient Near East, but rather a religio-political document explaining and justifying the wi
Marcion is unanimously acknowledged to be one of the most important and most intriguing figures of the Early Church. In spite of this importance, there is no comprehensive up-to-date study on his life
George H. van Kooten offers a radical contextualization of Paul's view of man within the Graeco-Roman discourse of his day. On the one hand, important anthropological terminology such as"image of God"