Celebrates how the sun's warmth and light travels through space to help plants grow and turn carbon dioxide into breathable oxygen, and describes other ways the sun helps the living things on planet E
A neighborhood cat observes the changes in German and Jewish families in its town during the time leading up to Kristallnacht, The Night of Broken Glass, that becomes the true beginning of the Holocau
Olaf is dismayed to discover his brothers don't like warm hugs like he does. Anna and Elsa comfort him by explaining how they too are different. Tag along with Olaf and the rest of the cast of Disney'
Turning dreams into inventions can be a challenge, but lots of kids do it every day. The Kids' Invention Book takes kids step-by-step through the creative process, from finding the inspiration to buil
Tells the story of Booker T. Washington's childhood following the end of slavery, his struggle to get an education, and his journey at age sixteen to the Hampton Institute.
"This book covers information (life cycle, appearance, habitat) about the snowy owl. Each chapter discusses an aspect of the snowy owl's life, comparing the bird to a similar bird and to a very differ