San is in her spaceship! Lion is keeping her company. What will they see and do next?The universe is almost, but not quite, bigger than imagination. Within it, we are sheltered by a place we call 'hom
Did You Hear That? Help for Children Who Hear Voices is about five very different children who share one thing in common ― hearing voices and seeing things that are not there.Susie is a 9-year-old who
蜘蛛精!蜈蚣精!犀牛精和牛魔王!唐三藏、孫悟空、豬八戒、沙悟淨、白龍馬,在旅途接近終點之際,不得不跟這些以及更多的妖精戰鬥。他們的勇敢和決心是否足以讓他們度過難關?他們在尋找經書的過程中還會遇到哪些麻煩?這是〈西遊記〉系列中的第三冊,也是最後一冊,跟英雄們一起閱讀他們西遊記,並看看這趟旅程是否讓他們獲得開悟!*本書互動功能需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。.Spiders! Centipedes! Rhinos and bulls! Tripitaka, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing and White Dragon Horse have to battle these and more as they near the end of their journey. Will their bravery and determination be enough to see them through? What other troubles will they face in their quest for the holy scriptures? Join our heroes in this third and final book of their journey to the West and find out if they will finally gain enlightenment!
The threat from global warming is growing and human activity is a major contributor to the problem. It is clear that we must change our wasteful behavior before it is too late. The Tzu Chi Foundation
Panjang is the tallest kid around. He hates standing out, but little does he know, he's on his way to greater heights...This book tells the childhood story of Singapore's second prime minister, Goh Ch
This little book describes the past, present and future of black holes through a funny and engaging story involving Grandpa Louie, his two grandchildren and two of their friends.During a beautiful sun
從地面上到地底下──在本書中可以身歷其境地接觸20多名來自不同棲息地的居民!我們為什麼要欣賞蚯蚓?環尾狐猴想告訴我們什麼?是什麼讓非洲塞倫蓋提(Serengeti)的牛羚穿越鱷魚出沒的水域?與紅蟹一起漫遊聖誕島,小心袋鼠強而有力的拳腳,跟白掌長臂猿一起在樹梢上盪鞦韆!從寒冷的山區到乾旱的沙漠,從茂密的森林到廣闊的草原,一起體驗壯觀的陸地動物世界吧!Adventures with Land Animals is an immersive encounter with more than 20 residents of diverse habitats on — and below! — the ground. Why should you appreciate the earthworm? What's the ring-tailed lemur trying to say? What makes the Serengeti wildebeest cross crocodile-infested waters? Roam Christmas Island with the red crab. Stay clear of the kangaroo's powerful kick. And swing in the treetops with the white-handed gibbon! From icy mountains to arid deserts, and from dense forests to open grasslands, experience the spectacular world of land animals as never before!
科學無處不在,但你知道科學就在你身邊嗎?睜開你的眼睛,讓我們一起發現科學吧!讓我們一起漫步在新加坡,與科學奇蹟不期而遇!本書提供豐富的全彩圖片與生動插圖,加上A*STAR(新加坡科技研究局) 科學家 Amalina Binta Ebrahim Attia 博士的的介紹,向讀者展示深受大家喜愛的新加坡景點,其背後的科學知識,並悠遊其中!使用書中搭配的擴增實境(AR)功能,可以觀賞Lina 博士所製作的影片,詳細介紹每個景點背後的科學奧秘!*本書互動功能需依書中說明下載APP(Snap Learn)後使用。Hello, little readers! Did you know that Science is everywhere, all around you? We can encounter and discover the wonders of Science unexpectedly as we walk around Singapore, so open your eyes and let's discover Science together! In this full-colour book, through an exciting combination of photography and illustration, A* Scientist Dr Amalina Binta Ebrahim Attia is going to show you the Science behind your favourite Singapore attractions and destinations for play and fun! So, are you ready to start? Let's Discover Science, Singapore!Use AR to access videos made by Dr Lina, where she further explains the science behind each attraction!
Winning in Service Markets: Success through People, Technology, and Strategy is the first practitioner book in the market to cover the key aspects of services marketing and management based on sound a
讓我們一起認識陳氏家族,他們在新加坡創造了手作的土生華人傳統美食!跟著陳氏家族第四代成員 Ethan ,一起回顧他們的家族世界——新加坡本土品牌 HarriAnns Nonya Table——從簡陋的手推車,到今日的土生華人咖啡館連鎖品牌的發展歷程。就像土生華人的食物一樣,這個故事充滿豐富的生活風味。快來一起參加這場盛宴吧!Meet the Tan family, who have created a homemade Peranakan food legacy in Singapore!Join the fourth generation member of the family, Ethan, as he travels back in time tracing the evolution of his family business — home-grown brand HarriAnns Nonya Table — from a humble push-cart to the chain of Peranakan cafes it is today. Just like Peranakan food, this story is spiced generously with the different flavours of life.Come join the feast!
On July 17, 2012, the centenary of Henri Poincare's death was commemorated; his name being associated with so many fields of knowledge that he was considered as the Last Universalist. In Pure and Appl
Fearless Frosty tells the tale of New Zealander Anna Frost and how she chased her dream to become a professional mountain runner."Whatever it is, go after it.Find the thing that makes you fly!Because