The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives
The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives

The Legacy of Carlo Urbani: The Protocol That Saved Millions of Lives


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卡羅歐巴尼(Carlo Urbani)是一名義大利醫生和微生物學家,他在2002–2003年SARS爆發期間,成為第一個識別和分類嚴重急性呼吸綜合症(SARS)的人,卻也因此不幸身亡。此書為緬懷歐巴尼醫師逝世二十週年,旨在透過他的朋友、同事和熟人的回憶,向年輕一代講述「SARS醫生」的故事,使他的醫學貢獻與博愛意志,能持續激勵和造福著世界各地的人們。

Carlo Urbani, an Italian doctor and microbiologist, made history as the first person to identify and classify Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) or atypical pneumonia during its outbreak between 2002 and 2003. Tragically, he succumbed to the same disease on March 29th, 2003, while working in Bangkok. Two decades later, this book aims to recount the story of the “SARS doctor” to younger generations. Urbani’s legacy lives on through the continued efforts of his friends, colleagues, and acquaintances who have carried on his work and the protocol he established.



Vincenzo Varagona
Journalist since 1982, collaborates with the Italian daily newspaper Avvenire and weekly magazine Famiglia Cristiana. From 1987 to 2022 he worked in the editorial staff of TGR Rai. He has made reports on the Balkan wars, on the Middle East and on Africa. His latest titles published with Paoline is Frate Mago. Annunciare il Vangelo con gioia (2019). Since 2021 he has been the national president of the UCSI (Italian Catholic Union Press).


Juang Tian Ruei
Born in 1995 in Clusone, Italy. He attended the Sir James Henderson British School of Milan and was admitted to the Conservatory Giuseppe Verdi of Milan, specialising in classical piano, where he competed in several musical competitions during his studies. He is enrolled in the MA course in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) at Tunghai University in Taichung, Taiwan. His previous translation works include the book Doctor Without Borders―Portrait of Carlo Urbani (2018) by Lucia Bellaspiga.


Part 1. Sicily, Castelplanio, and the World
Part 2. Growth, Studies, Friends, and Commitment
Part 3. From Adventure to Work
Part 4. Missions Abroad
Part 5. Twenty Years of AICU .
Part 6. Carlo’s Legacy .


Twenty years after his death, Dr. Carlo Urbani is not just the symbol of the fight against SARS. Urbani is the testimony of how courage and dedication, even at the cost of one’s life, can become an example for everyone. A brave doctor, discoverer, and a victim himself of the “severe acute respiratory syndrome.” His death represented a serious loss for the scientific community, but his work, his discoveries, and his international treatment protocol, not only have saved thousands of patients, but have continued to inspire research and development of vaccines for many diseases. A symbol of self-sacrifice and scientific rigour recognised by the medical community, whose protocol was the inspiration in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic. His legacy, like his altruism, remain vivid in our memory.
―Sergio Mattarella,
President of Italy

Dr. Carlo Urbani practiced the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ “to love God and love your neighbor,” which made himself a legend of a devout Christian. He further inspired many to serve those who were suffering from illness, poverty, grief, and hunger. This chain of love confirms the gospel of John: “Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life.” (John 12:24–25)
―Dr. Chen Chien-Jen (陳建仁),
President of the Executive Yuan of Taiwan





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