Dysconscious Racism, Afrocentric Praxis, and Human Freedom ― Through the Years I Keep on Toiling; the Selected Works of Joyce E. King

Dysconscious Racism, Afrocentric Praxis, and Human Freedom ― Through the Years I Keep on Toiling; the Selected Works of Joyce E. King


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A dynamic leader and visionary teacher/scholar, Joyce E. King has made important contributions to the knowledge base on preparing teachers for diversity, culturally connected teaching and learning, and inclusive transformative leadership for change, often in creative partnership with communities. Dr. King is internationally recognized for her innovative interdisciplinary scholarship, teaching practice, and leadership. Her concept of "dysconscious racism" continues to influence research and practice in education and sociology in the U.S. and in other countries. This volume weaves together ten of her most influential writings and four invited reflections from prominent scholars on the major themes the work addresses.

In the World Library of Educationalists, international scholars themselves compile career-long collections of what they judge to be their finest pieces – extracts from books, key articles, salient research findings, major theoretical and/practical contributions—so the world can read them in a single manageable volume. Readers thus are able to follow the themes and strands of their work and see their contribution to the development of a field, as well as the development of the field itself.


Joyce E. King is the Benjamin E. Mays Endowed Chair of Urban Teaching, Learning and Leadership at Georgia State University, USA. Dr. King served as the 2014-2015 President of AERA, chaired the AERA Commission on Research in Black Education (CORIBE), and served as editor of the resulting volume, Black Education: A Transformative Research and Action Agenda for the New Century. Her publications include"Re-membering" History in Student and Teacher Learning: An Afrocentric Culturally Informed Praxis(with E.E. Swartz), Preparing Teachers for Cultural Diversity and Teaching Diverse Populations: Formulating a Knowledge Base(both co-edited with E. R. Hollins and W. C. Hayman), Mothers to Sons: Juxtaposing African American Literature with Social Practice(with C.A. Mitchell), and numerous book chapters and journal articles. In recognition of her professional service, Professor King was presented the Distinguished Career Contribution Award from the AERA Committee on Scholars of Color in Education. She has received fellowship awards from the American Council on Education, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, and the National Institutes of Mental Health. She received the Distinguished Fellowship Award for Research and Leadership in Critical Studies in Education from the University of Auckland and "The Living Treasure of Africans in the Diaspora in Education and Social Sciences Award" for 20 Years of Participation in the Black Studies Research Center at the Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil.







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