An Answer: How Do We Reconcile the God We Want With the God That Is?

An Answer: How Do We Reconcile the God We Want With the God That Is?


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This project is designed for you to share in my experience looking back as I desperately tried to figure out how to live a life guided by purpose-a life lived with an awareness of the ultimate significance it holds. I lived aimlessly for years, and it almost killed me-justifiably so. My hope is that my story will be a source of encouragement as you travel on your own journey, and I pray you find a vision that enables you to see the necessity of the difficulties you may encounter. Stumbling and failures are certain, and victories will often be measured by faith. However, today I embrace the prize I have found with the protective grip of a lion over a fresh kill. It was worth every scar I now bear and every inch of the crawl it took to get it.
For this journey to be of any benefit, there are some prerequisites. You can grow into them as we go along, but they are necessities before our journey finds its conclusion. You should be prepared to:
- Acknowledge that you were created.
- Unprotect your paradigms.
- Explore new depths of humility.
- Desire truth more than affirmations of your current beliefs.
If you are willing to work toward these goals as we move forward, I promise to offer you truths that I believe will help you answer questions such as:
- Your ultimate purpose for being alive.
- Your significance within all of creation.
- What the most valuable thing in existence is and how to pursue it.
- A reason for the evil that exists.

It is my hope that you will unleash your thought life to see new ideological horizons and experience a new center from which all things flow. I truly believe that if you move forward with no premeditated agenda, this journey can transform you into a creature so humble and at such peace that you can begin to experience the invisible in a way that can be profoundly felt. Something supernatural is possible when we allow our curiosity about life's purpose and significance to break free from the restraints of fear and indifference. When we give ourselves permission to risk asking the big questions, a new sense of being alive confronts us. Our response to this has moved artists to sculpt, musicians to compose, and the terminally ill to find joyful gratitude in their final days. Pursuing our true purpose can provoke our hearts to do the most beautiful things. I call it the rage of joy.







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