筆者的故鄉是台灣,台灣以前信仰著傳統價值,有些人受到了傳統價值的打壓,然後他們試著尋找新價值,卻一直找不到。筆者證明了:「生命真的有意義,生命的意義是多元。」當筆者跟台灣分享我的答案後,台灣的教育部長高興地喊著多元,台灣通過了同性婚姻法,但生命有意義嗎?所以本書的內容包含了這四個題目:「同性婚姻法與生命的意義」、「生命的意義與傳統價值」、「生命的意義與完整的答案」、「生命的意義與筆者的目標」。筆者想要告訴大家:生命「真的」有意義。The author's hometown is Taiwan. Taiwan used to believe in traditional values. Some people were suppressed by traditional values. Then they tried to find new values, but they never found them.The author proved: "Life is really meaningful, and the meaning of life is diversity." When the author shared my answer with Taiwan, Taiwan's Minister of Education happily shouted diversity. Taiwan passed the same-sex marriage laws, but is life meaningful?Therefore, the content of this book includes these four topics:"Same-Sex Marriage Laws and the Meaning of Life","The meaning of life and traditional values","The meaning of life and the complete answer","The meaning of life and the author's goal." The author wants to tell everyone:Life "really" has meaning.
In the late 1990s, a middle-aged dreamer set out to make a career change and venture into art. Strange and serendipitous en-counters on this new path gave him soulful guidance from the works of the great painters Matisse and Picasso. Many forbear-ers and muses also spurred him to continue as he persevered in his search for the creative insights of Cezanne, the Father of Modern Painting. The path is windy and rough throughout this unique journey, with plenty of laughs and tears. Therein is a story of fun, fascina-tion, and jaw-dropping discoveries. The story contains some mysterious plots. However, the re-ferred pictures and schema inserts are based on the artists’ and writers’ renderings, providing solid relativities. The story’s de-velopment points the art to the secret of Nature and a long-for-gotten world linked to Bergson’s philosophy, which was once inspirational and multifaceted but contentious. I sincerely hope you enjoy and benefit from this journey with me. Gratitude must go
The reason for exploring Taiwanese literature from an island perspective can be found in the large number of Taiwan’s surrounding islands. In the planning of this volume, we have chosen to introduce the works of thirteen writers. When necessary, we will mention other works depending on the situation. However, due to limited space, the size of the text samples is restricted, so naturally it is impossible to cover everything. Generally speaking then, the purpose of this volume is to regard the texts of Taiwanese literature as reflections of local island perspectives in the hope of demonstrating the significance of Taiwan’s experience to island researchers around the world.從「島嶼」視角探討台灣文學,本質上係來自於台灣及其周遭島嶼數量可觀。面對為數可觀的島嶼,究竟要如何進行觀察?取徑現有島嶼或群島研究,如曹永和「台灣島史」及格里桑、郝歐法「群島」觀點探討的島嶼和島嶼之間的連結脈絡。大抵,本次專輯策畫,主要是介紹13位作家作品,偶況言及其他作品旨趣是將台灣文學的文本書寫,視為本地島嶼視線的折射,期盼能從中向世界的島嶼研究者展示台灣經驗的意義。
作者魏寧博士(Dr. Nicholas Morrow WILLIAMS)是一位土生土長的美國學者,因傾心於中國文學,從哈佛大學數學系畢業後更換賽道,進入華盛頓大學西雅圖分校中文系深造。本書是他在香港大學中文學院教授「中國古典文學導論」的精華記錄,亦是他首本用中文撰寫的專著。本書從十一個主題展開賞析中國古典文學:典故、形式、比喻、敍事、文類、神話、男女、道家、佛教、花卉、怨恨。無論是中國文學的專門學習者,還是一般愛好者,都能從本書中獲得不一樣的體驗。