How do public markets, as ordinary as they seem, carry the weight of a city’s history? How do sucheveryday buildings reflect a city’s changing political, social, and economic needs, through their yearslong transformations in forms, functions, and management? Integrating architecture and history, this book invites readers to go through the growth and governance of colonial Hong Kong by tracing the past and present of public markets as a study of extensive firsthand historical materials. As the readers witness the changes in Hong Kong markets from hawker pitches to classical market halls to clean modernist municipal complexes, the book offers a new perspective of understanding the familiar everyday markets with historical contexts possibly unfamiliar to most, studying markets as a microcosm of the city and a capsule of its history. -------------- This book is a robust and in-depth study of the market building history of Hong Kong since the 1840s and contributes to a holistic un
《香港廟宇碑刻志》全面收錄香港地區(香港島、九龍、新界和離島)現存的華人廟宇及可考之碑刻,上溯南宋(1274年),下迄現今(2021年),既展現出千百年來香港廟宇碑刻文獻的豐富性,也反映了本地神明、宗教信仰的發展。全書以廟宇為單元,「以廟帶碑」,共收錄廟宇130座、碑刻455通。除原碑文獻外,本書還大量收錄實地拍攝所得的廟貌、碑圖、神像、文物等珍貴圖像,極具歷史價值,體現了傳承至今的廟宇文化在現世生活的生命力。廟宇是不同族群歷史的載體,更與當今社會生活息息相關。透過整合碑刻、圖像、文獻記載等資料,本書不但全面展現香港華人廟宇、宗教的面貌與發展脈絡,更作為香港社會的側寫,揭示地域、族群、社區在這片土地上的變遷。---------------這套三冊的巨著對促進我們認識香港地方宗教傳統,作出重大貢獻。通過深入的實地考察,並配以上千張生動的照片,黎教授詳實記錄了455通廟宇碑刻,並從多角度展示了本地祭祀傳統的種種面貌。對華南社會史感興趣的讀者而言,本書更是不容錯過。——華琛(James L. Watson),哈佛大學人類學系榮休講座教授本書在前人基礎上,實地調查補正,當為目前最為完備之香港地方廟宇碑刻志,為各廟宇留存良好的史料,日後縱使廟宇重建亦不虞史料丟失。——李豐楙,中央研究院院士、國立政治大學宗教研究所名譽講座教授學者對於文物保存最有效的貢獻莫過於記錄與研究,本書正正為這一工作提供了重要而堅實的基礎,也將會推進學界對於香港碑刻文獻的重視。——科大衛(David Faure),香港中文大學歷史系榮休教授本書可稱得上香港廟宇信息的精煉典藏。每座廟宇都有自己的故事,不僅見證香港社區的發展,也積極參與了城市變化的過程。本書將本地廟宇歷史置於香港發展的宏觀背景下審視,既似一份地圖,也是一部編年史。黎教授和他的團隊試圖保留的,正是這樣一種了解香港的方式。——陳金樑,香港中文大學常務副校長、利榮森中國文化教授本書使碑刻與廟宇研究有機結合,不但拓展香港地方廟宇的研究視野,更具有認識論與方法論意義,為未來香港古蹟和宗教研究發揮了重要的示範作用。——鄭振滿,廈門大學歷史系教授、民間歷史文獻研究中心主任
The Guodian manuscripts are a cache of literary and philosophical texts from the fourth century BCE, discovered in a Warring States–period tomb in China’s Hubei Province. Through detailed decipherment and textual analysis, Kuan-yun Huang investigates the historical and philosophical contexts of these texts and convincingly proposes their association with Zisi, the grandson of Confucius. Huang not only offers an in-depth portrait of this famous scion from excavated texts and transmitted literary records, but also reveals the connection of the Guodian texts with early intellectual tradition in China, including the teachings of Xunzi, Mencius, Confucius, and the legendary Laozi, as well as the effort of rewriting that transformed Zisi’s original teachings into a conformist line of thinking, which defined and constituted the Confucian tradition of a later time.-------------- In Kuan-yun Huang’s The Lost Texts of Confucius’ Grandson, the shadowy figure of Zisi comes to life as an
In this ground‐breaking, posthumous study, the late Lo Jung‐pang discusses the geographic, political,and commercial factors that led to the emergence of seapower and a navy under the Ming. WhileZheng He and his seven expeditions have received some scholarly attention, few understand the longhistory of maritime engagement which provided the nautical and technical background for thesevoyages. The evolution of this maritime engagement and its extension into the Indian Ocean is thefocus of Lo’s still‐timely and highly significant work.In addition to detailing the rise of the Ming navy and its extraordinary accomplishments, Lo alsoexamines some of the factors that led to the end of China’s first great maritime era: Why did Chinasuddenly seem to turn away from the seas? Were the military defeats in Annam and on the northernborders significant in this? Or were financial pressures key?Empire in the Western Ocean represents the most comprehensive and insightful English‐languagetreatment to date
Chen Hansheng was not only a pioneer of modern Chinese social science, remembered for the villagestudies he organized by teams of researchers in the 1930s. He was also a political operative whosecareer as an underground and aboveground Communist activist spanned the twentieth century andthe globe. This book draws on unique interviews, beginning in 1979, with Chen himself, his family andassociates, along with an exhaustive examination of documents, writings, and archives, to build arounded portrait of Chen, the man, and his world.‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐“Stephen MacKinnon’s lifetime study of eminent social scientist and Communist Chen Hanshengmakes for an absorbing, thrilling, and illuminating read. This product of decades of researching Chen,and of years of discussions with him, MacKinnon shows us how one enterprising and creative scholarbecame dedicated to the cause, worked for it, and then ended his life sad and angry about whatbecame of the Chinese Communist Party in power.”—Hans van de Ven,
2023年,香港中文大學迎來六十周年校慶。值此重要時刻,當反思大學使命—「結合傳統與現代,融會中國與西方」的歷史意蘊與時代價值。大學圖書館藉此難得機會,舉辦紀念展覽,展示館藏中日益豐富的西方漢學珍本。 本圖錄記錄了展出的藏書,並一一簡述概況,涵蓋從十五至十九世紀中葉的書籍、地圖和手稿。珍藏之中不乏最優秀的早期漢學著作。其中許多作品均由利瑪竇、湯若望等知名耶穌會教士撰寫,他們縱然人數不多,但在深入接觸近代早期中國社會與文化的過程中,一手創立了近代漢學,留下了近距離觀察中國的珍貴記錄。隨著這些傳教士的著作傳回歐洲,關於中國的歐洲書籍愈加準確詳細,歐洲人對中國的了解也與日俱增。本圖錄透過豐富的圖像,以及細緻的介紹和描述,呈現出一幅生動的早期歷史圖景,展現西方對中國持久而深入的興趣和理解,以及中西淵源的交疊與關聯。透過本圖錄,讀者亦可藉此思索如何更好地「結合傳統與現代,融會中國與西方」。 In 2023, The Chinese University of Hong Kong celebrates the sixtieth anniversary of its foundation. This occasion provides a moment for reflection on the historical and contemporary meanings of the university’s mission “to combine tradition with modernity and to bring together China and the West.” To this end, the celebrations include an exhibition of the University Library’s burgeoning collection of Western rare books about China, which is recorded and contextualized in this catalogue. This splendid volume features books, maps, and manuscripts from the fifteenth to the mid-ni
熊式一(1902–1991)是20世紀海外最知名的中國作家之一,陳寅恪曾以「海外林熊」之句將他與林語堂並舉。他在1934年將中國傳統劇目改編為英文戲劇《王寶川》,在倫敦連續演出約900場,由王室到平民,家喻戶曉。1935年,他成為了第一位登上百老匯舞台的中國導演,更被《紐約時報》(The New York Times)譽為「中國莎士比亞」。1943年創作的英文小說《天橋》亦大獲成功,被翻譯成了法、德、西、捷、荷等歐洲主要語言,暢銷歐美。但他的傳奇人生遠遠不止於創作,他還是中英雙語譯者、香港清華書院創校校長、BBC電台評論員、劇作家、藝術收藏家……曾經的風雲人物如今已消失在歷史中,與其一起被遺忘的,是那個中國藝術曾經征服西方的短暫卻輝煌的時代。 本書是熊式一的第一部完整傳記,全面梳理熊傳奇的一生,發掘中國現代文學史中不該被淹沒的人物。作者用十年時間深耕熊式一家人提供的海量一手文獻,包括書信、文章、手跡、照片等,並追查中國和海外有關的新聞報道,採訪了橫跨三大洲的相關人士。 在詳述熊式一風雲人生的同時,也呈現了20世紀三四十年代歐美文藝界仰慕中國的一段短暫卻輝煌的跨國交流史。若沒有熊式一,我們對中國現代文學史,對作為在世界中的中國文學,對中國與世界的互動的理解,便會缺失非常重要的部分。 熊式一的英語代表劇作備受西方著名作家推崇—— 諾貝爾文學獎得主蕭伯納(Bernard Shaw):「我非常喜歡熊譯《西廂記》⋯⋯足可以和我們中古時代戲劇並駕齊驅。」 諾貝爾文學獎得主賽珍珠(Pearl S. Buck):「《王寶川》是一出美輪美奐的戲。熊博士的確是個天才。」 「科幻小說之父」H. G. 威爾斯(H. G. Wells):「《天橋》是一幅完整的、動人心弦的、呼之欲出的圖畫。」 王德威、陳子善、Anne Witchard ——共同推薦 熊式一是現代華語世界戲劇藝術及文化傳播的傳奇人物。他的雙語戲劇創作,多元事業軌跡,以及起伏的生命歷程無不折射二十世紀中國知識分子與世界的重層關聯。本書敘述流暢,考證翔實,是進入熊式一生命,體會其人其志的重要傳述。—王德威,美國哈佛大學東亞語言與文明系講座教授 熊式一才華橫溢、博學多聞,他的劇作《王寶川》曾與狄更斯和蕭伯納的作品媲美。這部紀念碑式的著作不僅僅是
紙紮世界是香港的縮影,反映了這座城市的嚮往、執迷和信念。134件紙紮品.中英雙語攝影文集看見極樂世界的衣食住行、吃喝玩樂捕捉薪火燒不盡的香港人情在紙紮的花花世界裏,祭品的形態和種類五花八門:日常用品從一把傘、一籠點心到一張八達通 ;抑或是億元紙鈔、豪華別墅與配備司機的轎車等奢侈品......祭祀者總能從林林總總的設計和款式中找到最切合逝者的祭品――每件紙紮品都代表著跨越陰陽的親密牽絆。紙紮世界也是香港的縮影,反映了這個城市的嚮往、執迷和信念。紙紮一件燒、一件現,化作煙縷穿越人間與冥界,在另一個國度建構一個更豐富多彩的香港。A bilingual photo book on Hong Kong's paper offerings for the afterlife•The world of paper offerings is a microcosm of Hong Kong that reflects the city's aspirations,obsessions and desires.•Featuring 134 paper offerings with texts in both Chinese and English.•Find everything you could want for a happy afterlife, from everyday needs to extravagantluxuries.•Capturing Hong Kong's undying love and devotion.Discover the fascinating and moving world of Hong Kong’s paper offerings for the afterlife. These carepackages for lost loved ones and ancestors in the next life include everything from creature comfortsand simple everyday needs, to extravagant luxuries and curious fancies. Individually, each offering is atouching manifestation
Daoism is a peer-reviewed international journal dedicated to the publication of original research articles exploring Daoism in its social and historical contexts from the pre-modern to the contemporary period. The journal encourages innovative research based on new documents and/or fieldworks.
The China Review is a continuation of China Review, an annual publication of The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press since 1991. It publishes twice a year in April and October since 2001 and four issues per year starting from 2018; a scholarly journal covering various disciplines of study on Greater China and its people, namely, domestic politics and international relations; society, business and economic development; modern history, the arts and cultural studies. The only China-based English journal devoted to the study of Greater China and its people A vigorously refereed journal with international advisory and editorial boards Teachers, scholars, researchers, journalists and students interested in the developments of China will find this publication a comprehensive and indispensable tool. Indexed in Social Sciences Citation Index, Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences, Else
李歐梵作序,林青霞、王德威、黃子平、董橋共同推薦從戴厚眼鏡的港大女學生,到驚世駭俗的摩登作家,張愛玲的香港經驗,形塑了她的歷史感和世界觀,成就了張愛玲傳奇。「本書為張學及香港研究提供了最重要的突破。」一九三九年,未滿十九歲的張愛玲入讀香港大學,兩年半後親歷了香港之戰和淪陷。帶着香港經驗「切身的、劇烈的影響」,她回到上海開始寫作,以一系列「香港傳奇」一躍成為炙手可熱的新銳女作家。《緣起香港》聚焦張愛玲與香港的淵源,以檔案資料為佐證,還原模糊的歷史影像,釐清一段戰亂時期的人文經驗。張愛玲貫穿一生的世界主義視景源自大學時代的基礎人文教育。港島山上或澄澈或濃烈的視覺印象,砲火下密集的閱讀經驗,多語言和多文化參照系的匯流,殖民現代性的紛繁呈現,以及戰後從香港重新出發的漫長的漂流生涯,都刻在她寫作生命的基因裏。張愛玲的香港經驗直指內心深處的清冽和柔軟,更有一種尖銳和酷烈,構成她文字中最震撼的靈魂。-----------------------還張愛玲昔日本色,給老香港一個公道:這部《緣起香港》從老香港擁有過張愛玲推究張愛玲放不下老香港。在文學的襟懷裏,上海時髦女作家張愛玲始終眷戀香港大學那個戴厚眼鏡的女學生張愛玲。老香港是張愛玲寫作的資料寶庫,幾乎連老港大幾位老師的謦欬和學養都引申成她的歷史感,也造就了她的世界觀。黃心村教授梳理大量原始材料,勾勒塵封的故事,展示新穎的結構,敍述澄靜,文筆光麗,處處細細綉織出張愛玲生命中綿亙的私語和深邃的惘然。董橋,作家一本期待已久的力作,一個作家的誕生、再生和衍生,世界主義人文視景中的張愛玲,躍然呈現。黃子平,香港浸會大學榮休教授、中山大學(珠海)講座教授香港成就了張愛玲傳奇。黃心村教授鉤沉史料,精讀文本,以有情之筆重現一座城市與一位作家的半生因緣。從《燼餘錄》到《小團圓》,從港大校園到宋家客廳,香港的人與事千迴百轉,註記張愛玲前世今生。兩相對照,既酷烈又温柔,既世故又蒼涼。本書為張學及香港研究提供了最重要的突破。王德威,哈佛大學東亞系暨比較文學系Edward C. Henderson 講座教授、中央研究院院士《緣起香港》緣起於我和黃心村在太平山的行走,走了兩年,兩年的話題都是張愛玲。我狂讀張愛玲,她狂寫張愛玲。她嘔心瀝血地寫,我一個字一個字地看,文章很長,我卻邊看邊擔心,生怕很快會看定。向所有喜愛張愛玲的讀者推薦這本書!林青霞,著名電影演員、