哈佛大學日本研究權威,全面總結平成「失落年代」(1989–2019) 緊貼史學研究新趨勢,增補環境史角度透視日本近代化進程 A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present 由哈佛大學日本研究權威安德魯.戈登(Andrew Gordon)教授撰寫,自問世以來一直是美國大學的經典日本史教科書,被翻譯成中、日、韓等多種語言。中譯本自 2006 年初版以來,已成為各大學最受歡迎的教科書與通識讀物之一。此次第四版依據 2020 年最新英文版,吸收學界新近研究成果,增補大量內容,包括環境史、性別關係、軍事安全政策、2010 年代日本政治和社會的近期發展,以至平成時代(1989–2019) 的總體評估。被譽為「迄今為止最好的近現代日本通史論著」。 ---------------本書作者未囿於從美國看日本的立場,以宏觀的態度,涵蓋德川時代以還日本之「現代性 」、「 多樣性 」及「 關聯性 」。在描述日本近現代史的諸多作品中,本書屬於廣度、深度並重,深具世界觀的作品,值得讀者細讀。─ 徐興慶,中國文化大學前校長 戈登這部《200 年日本史》所描述的是近代性所帶來的希望與悲痛,其中包括社會的動盪不安、生活的多樣化以及全球的聯繫。─ 約翰.道爾 (John W. Dower) ,麻省理工大學歷史系榮休教授 這部傑出的著作是由歷史學領域的頂尖專家撰寫而成,讓我們看到日本過去兩個世紀的歷史,既有獨特一面,又是全球現代史的一部分。本書涉獵廣泛,文筆生動,書中提出的全新詮釋不僅有益於本科教學和普通讀者,而且能促使自認為專家的人重新思考關於日本近代史及其發展的許多陳舊假設。─ 藤谷藤隆,多倫多大學歷史系教授 《200 年日本史》是有關近代和帝國時期日本的最佳教材。作為日本勞工史研究前沿的學者,戈登從平民角度提供了不少深刻的歷史細節,特別是日本工業革命期間及之後的工人和其他非精英階層所遇到的艱辛、機遇和阻力。─ 喬治.卡蘭德(George Kallander) ,雪城大學麥斯威爾公民及公共事務學院副教授 《200 年日本史》至今仍是日本近代史課程的最佳入門書,完美結合了一流學術性、可讀性和篇幅恰當的優點。最後一章更令這部著作有力地將歷史盡可能貼近現在,並指
English novelist E.M. Forster wrote his last and best-loved work, A Passage to India, both as a paean to his love for India and as a tribute to the relationships he formed with Indians. Forster became entranced by the India of the Raj at a young age, and his love affair with the sub-continent, its princes, and peoples, was to last all his life. At his most socially transgressive, it was with Indians that Forster chose to connect and with whom he put into effect his belief in man’s duty to value friendship over state or ideology. His time in India was undoubtedly when he was at his most human and most vulnerable.At once a contemporary reflection on India’s rich history and a biographical retelling of Forster’s travels through the country in the early 1900s, Developing the Heart delves into the past to better understand the profound impact certain events and people had on his writing. In doing so, it allows readers to look on as Forster matures and softens over time in his behaviour with
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