Yuan Haowen 元好問 (1190 1257) is one of the greatest Chinese poets of the past eight hundred years. He is especially famous for his poems lamenting the death and disorder that accompanied the decline, fall, and aftermath of the Jin dynasty, when the Mongols took over North China. Reading Yuan’s poems,
This volume is a translated and edited collection of studies on the Shi ji (Records of the historian) by SimaQian, authored by the prestigious Japanese sinologist Miyazaki Ichisada. Providing a pathbreaking analysis of the structure and formation of the Shi ji, it serves not only as an excellent int
哈佛中國史研究大家「數十年研究的圓滿總結」走進歷史深處,揭示自帝制晚期延續至今的根本性問題余英時、許倬雲、王賡武、金耀基|共同推薦孔飛力關於中國現代國家起源的精彩系列論文,繼承了他老師史華慈的知識關懷,探討並揭示了舊帝國之下的社會和現代民族國家形成之間的深層聯繫。—曼素恩( Susan Mann,美國亞洲學會前主席、加州大學榮退教授對專家和普通讀者來說,孔飛力的這本書都極為重要,其中不僅提出了促使人們思考的新史論,對人們所熟悉的 19 世紀以來的中國歷史敘述也作了令人耳目一新的再構建。—羅威廉( William T. Rowe,美國約翰.霍普金斯大學歷史系講座教授這本書的篇幅不大,但卻精深博廣
Most histories of Hong Kong begin with the arrival of the British, and only incidentally mention the precolonial eras. In this book, Patrick Hase, one of the leaders in the field, provides an important addition to the history of Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region, covering topics such as Ch
How did lay people in old China save their lives when dealing with acute or chronic health issues? Conventional medicine was costly and might not have been an option for many. Instead, people in villages and towns relied on remedies drawn from a woodblock-printed illustrated booklet called the Seven
An indispensable reference to the development of the Chinese economy—past, present, and future.—DALE W. JORGENSON, Samuel W. Morris University Professor, Harvard University Since China undertook economic reform and opened its economy to the world in the late 1970s, its economy has been growing at an