Perfect for readers of all ages, Tasty is an engaging invitation to rediscover the everyday magic of flavor in a way that will leave you both satisfied and hungry for more.The tongue is used to talk, to eat ice cream, to make faces, and sometimes to lick the plate. Thus begins this delightful exploration of the organ of flavor in a hybrid book blending literature, philosophy, and culinary curiosity.What does the tongue really do? Why do we crave sweets? Is spiciness a flavor or a sensation? How does taste interact with smell, sight, and even emotions? Where does tasting end and smelling begin? These questions and more are tackled through a mixture of informative, narrative, and lyrical prose that brings the world of taste to life in unexpected ways.Co-authored by poet and philosopher Micaela Chirif and culinary critic Ignacio Medina, this book invites readers into a world of taste—examining flavors, textures, and the surprising connections between them. Complemented by Andrea Antinori’
★ 深度揭示東西方哲學與世界宗教智慧的差異,探尋人類生命的意義與公共價值。★ 解讀當今世界動盪與衝突的根源,啟發思考人類應當何去何從?★ 超越當下物質主義的主流敘事,提供對人類文明史的全新視角與解釋框架。面對當今社會嚴峻挑戰的必讀之作!我們必須瞭解東西方之間互相競爭的哲學、信仰和意識形態的起源和發展,才能真正瞭解當今世界衝突和動盪的根源。這將使我們得以重建現代普世價值體系的神聖本源,幫助人們重新找回個體生命的尊嚴和公德。《人的應當》將引導讀者重新發現歷史。專業推薦:「該書深入探討人存在的意義、人應該如何生活,進而追問兩者的關係。這是自文明誕生以來一直困擾眾生靈魂的心靈期盼……這是一部仔細研究而後成的學術著作,以其獨特的導遊方式向讀者一一介紹從古代到現在的文明景觀。」——陳劍光牧師,哲學博士、宗座神學博士、太平紳士「正如《人的應當》所強調的,一定要給神的啟示留下位置。畢竟這個世界,包括人類本身,都是造物主創造的。所謂人的應當,說到底,是作為受造物的人類對造物主呼召的正確回應,從而找到人的應當。」——陳浩武,文化學者、經濟學博士「This is a book with broad scope and profound meditation that invites all well-cultivated minds to think deeper in this morally fragmented and confused and technologically colonialized age. Apart from Christianity, where can we find a resting place for our soul and a foundation for societal living? Where can we find both liberal democracy and decency, market economy and self-discipline, and justice and love? And where can we find the ally of the good, and the true, and the beautiful?」——吳一介牧師,基督教會「Philanthropist Daofeng He tak